Dinner at Tasty

Dinner at Ganges

The Village 
[Photo Credits: Fabz, Fiona and Kelly]
Dinner at Ganges
Its a profitable business, selling English titles in Beijing. This English book stall at the back corner of The Village first started off as a road side Ma La Tang stall. And look at how far it has come. It reminds me of the quaint spots in Paris selling old read books.
[Photo Credits: Fabz, Fiona and Kelly]
oh! i see we have finally made it on your blog :) its been what.. 8 months! hahah :) i feel so privileged now.
omg, thats scary. i posted this like 1 min ago??! you need more blogs on your list.
oh yes that said, finally!
Fab, must tell your mum in the pic(the one with the Indian lady, she looks like Saryi (or shd be the other way round. For a moment I was wondering why Saryi went with your family to Beijing. Scary, so alike, like 2 peas.
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