Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Waterfront journey

I have found my newest subject for photography! My new craze for architecture and any other forms of a structured existence only reflect how much i yearn for it in my own life.

Most of Tsingdao's best architecture can be found at the German Concession. It is definitely deserving of a cool evening stroll along, with silly fantasies of owning a villa in the area.

German Concession
Country Home
City Skyline
Maybe thats why we took so long to walk from beach no.1 to no.2. A walk that should have taken us only an hour tops, was interrupted frequently with crazy shots such as that below. Creaky old doors, dirty corners, u name it, we would have taken a shot with it.

Beach No. 1
I still love her despite her cranky antics :) To an unknowing outsider, one would have thought she was high on drugs.

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