Sunday, November 14, 2010

Datong: Hanging Temple

It looks like a pop out greeting card. The Hanging Temple hugs tightly to the walls of Heng Shan, and I remember my heart doing a little flip just by watching it from below.

It is pretty incredible huh. The temple is supported by beams and pillars cut into the walls of the canyon.

Not for the faintest of hearts
There is room for the halls only because they are constructed out of the natural hollows in the rock wall. All halls are connected by very dubious walkways hanging precariously over the canyon. Cross at your own risk please.

And we rounded up our sightseeing for the day with our trademark shot. The wall pose.


Its funny. While we were making a total fool of ourselves in front of a crowd of random strangers, this guy came up to us and wanted to be part of our shot. So what the hell! We are all here for the fun of our lives!

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