Saturday, March 20, 2010

It rained sand today!

Just when i thought the snow storm was behind us, we had another kind of storm today. A sand storm. I dont know which is worse, the cold wet snow or the blistering wind that slams sand into your face. Argggh, beijing and her crazy weather antics.

So anyway, my dearest sis was in beijing (again) for a few days, and is now on her way back to sg together with my 30kg luggage (hopefully she made it through the customs). Thank you potato :) What would i do without you.

Oh and by the way, i got myself a hair cut AGAIN :) Loving and rocking (i think) it!


Anonymous said...


Tai Tai said...

Yes, read about the sandstorm in the papers today. Better wear a face mask when going outdoors. can't imagine breathing in all the tiny sand into the lungs!

Bridge said...

Looks like my hairstyle! Gorgeous as usual

Tales and Spills said...

so looks like my china stylist might just be as good as your alex? i need to bring my stylist back to sg!