Sunday, February 28, 2010


Its the last day of the lunar new year and its kabooomzing everywhere! As soon as the sun went down, the chorus of boomzing and screaming rang throughout the streets, all night long.


The whole city is now a war zone. The sky is a bloody red, the air thick with smoke, and every other minute firing from all corners of the streets can be heard. The boomz from the crackers then sets in motion a chain reaction where cars go crazy with flashing lights and sirens going off. Its crazzzzy here! But i am having the time of my life!!!

How to study in such a racket? so since we cant beat the revelers, we decided to join in their game for lots of boomzing fun :))

The customary "Tang Yuan"
on the last day of the lunar new year

And then it snowed!!! It cant get any better than this! *Beams. I feel like a child now :) insanely happy!!!

Thats me pretending to light up the crackers. Because i am too much of a coward, xq took over the lighter. And thats her, running for her dear life.

And when a few rogue crackers started flying our way, we went off screaming into the night.

Boom Boom!
Its amazing how there is a whole market behind the production of these crackers. They come in different packages, sizes and patterns. And they come up with the strangest names for them. There are the UFOs, Sunflower, Jingles, Harry blah blah. I secretly think that they are just christened by xq.

Below is pj playing with harry.

Boom Boom Boom!
Me and my Harry
After being introduced to the world of fireworks and crackers, sparklers are now just child's play.


Then, at midnight, an eerie silence hung in the air.

Thats the lunar new year celebrations in beijing for you :)


Unknown said...

WOW! first, the SWELTERING heat in singapore, then the HARSH cold in beijing. my goodness, i am JEALOUS beyond words. anyway you looked like you had fun! :) xoxoxo

Tales and Spills said...

ya i know right! From the skimpy little outfits to that dumpling look! My whole body system is still recovering from the shock!