Monday, October 26, 2009

Swan Lake

I just got back from the post office, and got a really neat surprise from the friends back at home :)) it made my day! thank you guys! Updates on that another day!

8 August 2009, marked the one year anniversary after beijing hosted the summer olympics. True to the chinese culture (where everything has to be played up big), one year onwards, and the chinese still commemorate this day with a big bang. And seriously, i expected nothing less than a huge soccer game at the bird nest and the swan lake ballet performance at the water cube.

So one of my french classmates threw out an invite for the swan lake ballet performance by the Imperial Russian Ballet troop and it was to be held at the water cube on the 8th of august (oops now u know how back-dated all my posts are).

I thought it was pretty cool, swan lake integrated with an actual body of water as part of the performance. And as according to the advertisement, its the "largest indoor lake in the world", "the first original full-vision ballet in the world", "the first ballet-sports version of swan lake in the world" and "the first show-brand in a large olympic venue". With so many first in the world, how do i refuse something as exciting as this! I dragged chiao along with me (actually she didnt really need that much persuasion), and i speak for the both of us when i say we had a great time!

Apart from the Russian ballerinas, there were also the russian professional synchronised swimmers, and china professional divers. Its kind of a star-studded event huh.

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