Sunday, August 2, 2009

Port ahoy

He speaks again. Ya i know, strangely, the wise old man has lots to say. This is the last of the series though, of words from the wise old man.

" Everywhere we go, we are harassed by opportunistic Beijingers eager to shaft their services up your nose. They leave you no peace. And yet at the same time, we are often left frustrated by those who dont give a hoot about us when we take photos at scenic spots. They destroy the best shots just by being a part of it." - coming from a very annoyed tourist.

We had no trouble finding transport across the city of Tianjing. Like what my dad noted, upon arrival, hungry mobs would march right up your face, badgering you to ride in their car till you finally cave in to one. One even had the audacity to follow me into the ladies. After all the bargaining, we settled for an eccentric old man. I think we are all just suckers for old man.

Though he had his quirks, nice old man was at the core a true tianjinger - simple, sincere and honest. It was a wet day, and nice old man gave up his umbrella to shelter us from the rain, and in the process he was drenched right through. Thats something i like about Tianjing. The people.

Nice old man drove us slightly away from the city center into some port. Nothing exciting to be found here though.

For my saxy friend :)


Anonymous said...

i remember that diyi has this theory about wearing bright colors while on tour, it had a HUGE impact on me because while i was in chicago, i had the URGE to wear bright pops of colors! strangee..

Tai Tai said...

Nowadays, kids rarely listen to wise words spoken by 'sage'. You're an exception. Don't you think pictures turn out better with the bright dashes of colour? Fabian, now you know why I'm still following your blog!

Anonymous said...

OH YES! of course, most definitely. it just brings out that holiday spirit, and makes the pictures sooo vibrant! HAHA! :) its so kind of you diyi!

Tai Tai said...

Hee..hee...Fabian. Just found out that we've some common ideas & thinkingt. Must start planning a trip with you. How about it?

Unknown said...

OH YES DIYI! :) sounds so wonderful hahaha!