Saturday, August 1, 2009

On the Bullet

Remember that old wise man? Lesson number 2 with wise old man.

" Beijing, a city of stark contrast. Its like a yes and a no, a black and a white. The ultra slick teleporting machine aka the bullet train, flying off at a high speed of 330 kph, against that of the rickety tuk tuk found only in the deep abyss of the third world country. To further emphasise the point, look at the streets of Wang Fu Jing spilled over with rich tai tais scurrying from mall to mall and comapre that with the rag and bone man scurrying from bin to bin in search for his own treasure." - again, with heavy editing.

Sigh, somehow i think wise old man is right.
The disparity between the rich and poor is too apparent to ignore, and this is coming from the fact that i live in a place i call the village while i hang out at places that the poor would be shunned.

Ok, lets not go too deep, this should be very light reading!

When my family was here a month ago, we bulleted out in style (first class) to Tianjing, the neighbouring city of beijing! This was one time i wished the ride would last longer. In under 30 minutes, we were packed and sent off to Tianjing.

Zooming off

For 69 RMB, we got to enjoy wide plush seats and first class treatment! Very worth it i must say.

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