Sunday, May 31, 2009

Shao Mai!

When Chiao's granny and aunt visited a few weeks ago, they fell in love with the shao mai at Du Yi Chu and insisted on giving us a dinner treat. It was really sweet of them :) and they made sure that we were all sufficiently fattened up by the end of the meal! We had prawns and the famed shao mai rolling in till my tummy was all rolled out. *grrrrrrowwwl. and thats the sound of my tummy growling in agreement.

Juding from the crowd, Du Yi Chu is worth a visit for some of their special shao mai, though i felt that the squishy prawn dish that we had was more yummmy! A little note: The shao mai is done differently here, its drier and stuffed with assorted fillings other than the usual one we have in singapore. It takes some getting used to before you fall in love with it.

"Du Yi Chu"
The Trio
Squishy prawns mixed in salad dressing and green mustard sauce. My fav!
Shao Mai stuffed with Crab's meat
With Love

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