Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Food Paradise

I left out the point that i am living in the middle of gourmet heaven where all the food buzzzz takes place. Convenient access to some of the better chinese restaurants in Beijing and it leaves little wonder to why i am getting faaaattt-er!

There is actually more than just ducks in Beijing! For some above average local fare, i think i will recommend Da Qing Hua. We were there a long long time ago, when it was Karen's bday.

Home made by Wanwan

Our own private room
Oops, no photos of the food! haha soon after that bday shot, my camera died. silly me forgot to charge it before bringing it out. So you just got to trust me on my words that this is one place you can afford to go to for a non-peking duck meal! Top on the list is the house specialty - individually served scallop with vermicelli.

*stomach does a little back flip

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