Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Last Tuesday (again)

* Bobby chewed on my Ferragamo and i was left to limp around raffles place in my highly uncomfortable killer of a thing, they call wedges. The whole day! It hurt so badly!

Met van for breakfast at Mc's where we watched the world go by, sipping our iced cold milo and coming up with crazy ideas.

I love being amongst the busy bees at raffles place. Watching them thumping their fingers off the blackberry, or just scurrying from one place to another. Its at such moments that i really appreciate the status of a student.

My Breakfast

Miss Van
And because we were at Raffles place, i had to call on another beloved friend of mine. Jt. Too bad yve was out working at another location. We had tea at Coffee Bean and talked ourselves silly till lunch time was over.

Then it was back to more lounging at starbucks. I hung around till it was time for me to go for Pillars of Faith at cornerstone. Met Fiona-Jie and we had the famous chicken rice at katong shopping center. A definite must try! Even better than those down the road!

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