Saturday, October 4, 2008

Mongolia Sights

Let the photos do the talking!

Milk Candy house

Public toilet

Wrestling in the mongolian way

Unit 1
Battle Flag

Before dinner, me and xq had plenty of time to ourselves so we went trudging through dungs and locusts, scouring for fallen pearls and hidden gems (it has been said that there were lost treasures waiting to be found on the grass plains). We didnt find any, but we saw many pretty sights. After a while, we got bored of the plains.

Withering blade

Wild horses we bumped into


During dinner, it was customary that we drink a small glass of wine(?) as a welcome gesture. The thing is, we were drinking ethanol. It tasted horrible! H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E. But it did keep us very warm from the cold icy night.

Live performance

The day ended with a campfire performance, where the hosts were singing songs amidst the dancing flames. Midway, we ran off with a sleeping bag in tow, loaded with food. We laid the sleeping bag right under the clear night sky. Lying down, we were immediately blanketed with the silence of the night and the howling wind. But what laid before us was a picture forever etched in my memory. Away from the city lights, there hang above the skies, the countless stars waiting to be named. That night, for the first time, i saw many shooting stars.

1 comment:

Tai Tai said...

Do you mean to say that you spent the night in the wilderness? So free and no a worry! Got wild beast? Hope you made a wish when you saw the shooting stars. So far any cute lad from the grasslands?