Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Brown Blobs

Oh what would i give to be back again. Not a moment was wasted. We tanned, we drank and we tanned some more.

Da Dong Hai Beach

Dor the dog
As we strolled down towards the far left end of Da Dong Hai Beach, we noticed a mass of brown blobs congregating in a pack (i stress, a very tight pack), a clear distinction from the rest of the beach. What were we expecting right. After all this is a beach and people sun tan at the beach. But trust me on this, this is no ordinary brown blob, i might even say its so brown its almost black. The strangest thing was no normal beach go-ers dared to venture so far into the forbidden land. Well, all except for a certain nosy pair. As we got closer to the line of meridian, we solved the mystery of the brown blobs.

Forbidden Territory
It was an entourage of butt naked boys, men and old men, men of all shapes and sizes. It was no (wo)man's land. Some were splashing in the water while others were lazing around with a beer bottle in hand. But what disturbed me the most was how there were that group of them who could sit facing each other, playing cards, when all that time their pride was hanging out in the open for all to see! ewww.

I returned back that night, and rinsed my eyes many times.

Sneaking a paparazzi shot. We were too much
of a coward to photograph them in the open.

Dinner that night
As if we were not charred enough, we went back the next day for another tanning session at a pay-to-enter beach (ridiculous i say).

Ya Long Wan Beach

Ok, but the clear water and powdery sand made up for it.

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