Sunday, May 30, 2010

Xi'An: City Wall, Little Swallow Pagoda, Night Buzz

Ah, the girls have finally settled in. And that explains my late night rendezvous with my lappie. Such an exciting day today, but as with all exciting days, the hours become a blur, and its night time again. I see where this is going, and i think it might just very well end in tears.

So anyway, I was peddling all my buys to the girls, and that got them all pretty hyped up over our following days of shop shOP SHOP!PING! How smart of me, I just blew my chance of leeching off their luggage space.

Before we set off for the World Expo 2010, let me delight you guys with the last set of photos from my Xi'An trip.

Cycling trip on the ancient city wall

Before Beijing became the capital of China, Xi'An was once the capital. Just like the inner outer city concept of old Beijing, the core of Xi'An too was surrounded by a perimeter of city wall, separating the royalties from the civilians.

I am still undecided as to which was a more exhausting activity. The treacherous climb up Hua Shan, or the bike marathon round the city wall. Every night, i come back to the hostel and collapse into a heap of knotted limbs.

Little Swallow Pagoda
Night Buzz with Live Mannequin
Local Flavour

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