Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Up the mountain top we went,

and down we rode on our skis and boards!

I think we would all agree that Beijing should be taken off the list of places-to-ski-at. Shi Jing Long was a big disappointment, with such badly managed slopes and poor organization! Beiyi would be pleased to point out the stark differences between Shi Jing Long and all the other slopes she ever skied on in her lifetime.

I suffered from multiple bruises and a badly smashed up knee after a day out on the slopes. Partly due to my very amateur skills, but mostly because of the thinly covered slopes that we were skiing on. With snow as thin as that, Shi Jing Long shouldnt even be opened to the public!

Oh, and i really disapprove of the suit they make us throw on. They come in such hideous colours!

We had to pay only for the entrance fee (20rmb?!), and rental of all other equipments was free! That explains the quick switch we made from skiing to snowboarding. Its snowboarding over skiing anytime for me! I guess my legs just work better tied to a single board rather than having them splitting down the slopes!

At the end of the day, it is never about the place, but really the people you share those moments with :)

1 comment:

Tai Tai said...

How come the suit you were wearing is black and the rest of them have got the greenish ones? colours not too bad. Egg-green. rare colour!