Staring down at this black rock of what should be known as char kuay teow, it just puzzles me how i managed to turn this local delight into a lump of inedible goo. I mean i love watching cooking shows, but why doesnt that translate to being a guru in the kitchen?! Puzzling indeed.
So anyway in the name of stirring whatever appetite i have left, i share with everybody this another somewhat average eat out place in beijing.
The sweet girls from group 4 took me out for dinner at Jaya Crepes, post birthday celebration. It was a night of star gazing, endless bitching and great balls of laughter!
The greedy Pans

It wasnt that bad!

There is nothing really to rave about the menu at Jaya Crepes, I like the crepes and dessert though! Sweet!

Bumped into the unlikeliest co.
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