Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Suzhou: Couple's Garden

Since the exams ended a week ago, i have been feeling this big gaping hole in the core of my whole being. And nothing i do seem to be enough to fill it up. I sure hope this is not some kind of quarter life crisis, because if it is, its just going to get ugly.

So anyway with the exams aside, and a huge amount of time at hand, i find myself reading a lot more. Reading is nice :) especially when i have finished all my work, and all i want to do is lie on my banana and read myself to sleep. Lalala, life for now is good :) minus the occasional episodes of emptiness.

On my trip to Shanghai, i met 2 fellow backpackers at the hostel i stayed in. We made arrangements to travel to Suzhou, and i am glad we did it, because after one week of walking Shanghai alone, i was beginning to forget how i sound like. It was nice to finally hear my voice again :)

For fuss free traveling, you can always sign up for a one day trip when you arrive at Suzhou (as we did). Within 15 minutes, we were all packed into a bus and whisked off to the first stop of the day, The Couple's Garden (at least thats what i think its called).

The couple's garden is a characteristic Southern Chinese styled garden (not that i noticed the difference between the north and the south), owned by some rich chinese merchant.

It is not without a reason why Suzhou has been known to be the Venice of the East. Next up, in true Suzhou style, we rode on a little sampan along one of the many canals in Suzhou.

There you go, our little sampan powered by the mighty Suzhou ladies.


Tai Tai said...

Does that mean you're now free as a bird? No more exams? Like all the pics u have taken. Beautiful. Must visit Suzhou

Tales and Spills said...

There is never an end to exams. I just need a break. Oh well after a while, suzhou just looks the same everywhere. Canals canals and more canals!