Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Under my Umbrella

I almost died from embarrassment yesterday. So i heard that we just got ourselves a huger than ass tee vee, and my dearest father (i dont care, i am putting this on your account), decided to show off his new toy. Not to the mother, not to family alone. What in the world were beiyi and friends doing in my house, i have no idea.

Dearest dad hooked his computer to the tee vee, made a skype video call to me, and had me broadcasted LIVE. Every line, bumps, crease, flaws, EVERYTHING on my face was on high definition for all to see. And for a good 5 mins, i was left clueless as to why there was a huge uproar from the background. Thank you, i can now die in peace.

A little note to self: never pick up any dubious calls from home.

So anyway, on a good glorious morning last summer, me and frae headed out to beach no. 1 in Tsingdao for a quick hour of suntanning. And there, we met the strangest people ever.

Caught on Cam

Beach No. 1
I dont understand these people. Is the sand softer than the bed in your room, or do you just not grasp the concept of sun bathing? Sigh, we live in a warped world where people enjoy self torture.

My sun bathing essentials: Flip flops, shades and a good company.


Bridge said...

WHAHAHAHA!!! Yes, we witnessed the whole self-absorbed pose, the never-ending fussing over her hair, the constant checking of oneself in the mirror, etc. It was HILARIOUS!!!! Lucky for u, you look GOOOOOOOD!!! Almost like a billion-buck superstar! My friends enjoyed it very much... heehee...

Your net-savvy early-retirement mum has been cooking up a storm and we are beneficiaries of it, sideways... It was sumptous, Suan Pan Zi (spelled correctly I hope) + Mao Shan Wang durians = lethal combination.

PS: Your mum's new lifestyle on being constantly on the net is quite worrisome. I think you should help her to find another mission, otherwise, she will be hogging the bandwidth at home...

Tai Tai said...

You were entertaining alright! Beiyi's 2 friends were amused at your antics. Not to worry, they were laughing and enjoying themselves. I think they find you "cutesy" and spontaneous!

Unknown said...

SO SCARY! SO SCARY! i died laughing. HAHAH!

Tales and Spills said...

terrible right!! how am i going to face the world from now on!