Thursday, January 7, 2010


I had a little IT mishap earlier in the week. A little spark and some smoke were involved, and my lappie died on me for a few days until it was resuscitated only 2 days ago. Phew, that was a close call, i really need to start backing up my comp! i hate having to be so dependent on this small, inert, rectangular thing!!

Anyway, its a beautiful saturday morning today. From my window, i see people hurrying along their way, huddling up in groups, scurrying away from the cold (it just gets colder here each day). Boy am i glad to be nicely cuddled up, wrapped in layers of blankets, taking a 5 minutes break (we all know how it goes right, 5 minutes is an understatement) enjoying a sight like this. Sighhhs.

Traveling back in time, 1953 to be exact, this was where me and frae walked into after our long stroll along the coastal lines of Tsingdao. We had the obligatory tsingdao beer which went well with our not so fantastic burgers. We were famished anyway, so beggers cant be choosers.


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