Saturday, July 18, 2009

Words from a wise old man

Sigh, i am down with a full blown case of what i believe to be known as monday blues. It is serious and very contagious :( i have tingling feeling its because tomorrow is the first day of internship. Sigh, life is cruel, so cruel.

Since i am home on a lovely sunday afternoon whining about life, let me share with you what a wise old man once told me about his very provoking thought on beijing.

"The Chinese people are one hungry lot. Hungry for progress, hungry for competition and a literally hungry bunch (judging from the amount of carbo intake per meal). Everyone craves for quick cash and i see it happening everywhere. From the streets to the malls, its their persistence in snagging business deals, and that makes it uniquely beijing." - with heavy editing, but the general idea remains.

So you can put a face to the wise words:

Taken after the trip to shidu

Taken at The Place
Awestruck by the LCD display. Ya i know, my dad poses :)


Unknown said...

I hope you're not implying the wise old man is your daddy....
Think it's a normal feeling. Office workers, in particular, are susceptible.
There's so much that you can look forward to. Visitors coming your way: dearest cousin, best friend, dearest aunt, mom, dad again...
On Sunday, our pastor shared this about the life of Singaporeans: hurry, worry, bury. Sounds familiar?

Tales and Spills said...

haha you mean i wasnt subtle enough?