Monday, June 29, 2009

What now?

I have been in a rather pensive mood. Today should be the day i celebrate one of the greatest milestone in my life. Should became a not when i realised exams are only a week away. Today marks the end of 18 years (has it been so long?) of classroom based education. Surprise surprise, i am actually feeling sad over it! Maybe it is coming from the dread of what is to come, brought upon by those already working.

Just like dying moments with the overwhelming flashback memories, i too was attacked by my own bout of memories (mostly pleasant ones). Friendships that i have forged through the years and enemies i made along the way pulled me through the excruciating 18 years. Wait a min, i ain't have any enemies, well ok maybe miss johara who thought (still thinks) i was a deeply troubled kid. Thank you (the bffs, section mates, bandmates, school mates, classmates, people i met along the way, you, you and you) for being the spice to my life.

After today's emotional ride, i am thinking there MIGHT be a remote possibility that i would miss beijing life at the end of 2 years! Now, that is really scary.

And now emo nemo has to go back to study, after having been tortured for the whole day. Looks like school is not that over as i was tricked into thinking so.


Por said...

hey u seem to be enjoying urself there haha... All the farm and country side nice isn't it?

FN said...

You do know that ur friends are still ur friends when u start working right? =)

only better thing is u can eat at better places now! haha true u dun see them as much but u wun believe how incredibly close u still feel every time u meet!

beijing is just part of the journey =)

but the bible promises this " Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard. No mind has ever imagined what God has prepared for those who love HIm.” 1 Cor 2 What a great promise!

Tales and Spills said...

Such a beautiful verse! thanks!