Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Spring Olympics

3 trips to the olympic village, and my first into the bird nest and the water cube with the family. The torch has flown on to London, but it never did leave beijing did it? I could pretty much still feel the rah-rah in the air as troops of visitors still throng into the spectators' stand filling them up, post-olympic. When i strained my ears hard enough, I swear i could almost still hear the cheers and the screams ringing aloud 9 months on.

You guys never had a peep inside (not counting the times we spent in front of the tv set, whether in disbelief or in awe, as we watched many world records broken inside the stadiums), so here you go:

The Cube
The nest was a surprise. Its way smaller than what it looked on tv, not how i remembered it to be.

The Nest
*Singing to the tune of "beizzzzhing beizzzzhing, wo ai beizzzhing..."

Till we meet again Janice et co.

1 comment:

Tai Tai said...

At long last, another update! So paiseh to occupy centrestage for a few days. The mascots for the Beijing Olympics can still be seen in the Bird's Nest? Would want to take a picture with it.