Monday, March 9, 2009

Harbin Sights

So we didnt follow a tour to Harbin because we wanted to be a little more adventurous exploring the place on our own. Jo did all the planning and there were many places on her list to visit. When we found out that the cabs in Harbin dont run by the meter but only by flat rates, we were advised to sign up for a local land tour. And the following is the itinerary put together by the group:

1) Harbin's Observatory Tower (1* out of 5) = also known as the Dragon Tower. Give it a miss if you can. Such a disappointment!

Looking up toward the dragon tower
2) St. Sofia's Church (***) = The iconic landmark of Harbin! Believe it or not, we were only given 10 mins at St. Sofia! Thats why i hate tour groups and only managed so few shots of the very cool dome shaped cathedral.

3) Winer Plunge (**) = Again, totally overated. Just a couple of wrinkled old bodies taking a plunge into the sub-zero water. 2 stars only to commend them for their efforts.

Frozen Lake
4) Underwater World (**) = And then it started snowing when we reached the underwater world! It was boring inside only because Singapore has one too but of world class standard.

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