When you are here in beijing during autumn, you got to make a stop at 香山 to catch the season of the red leaves. At the right time, the rolling hills would be blanketed in warm hues of red, orange and yellow. It is a pretty sight and you shouldnt miss it! However for us, we caught the action way too early. We were there the last week of oct, and most of the trees were still freshly green. A week later (first week of november) would have been much prettier!
Like any other attractions in beijing, you got to prepare yourself for the crowd. Thats the power of 1.3 billion people. Having to squeeze with the beijingers is no joke! Over at your right, you have people spitting into your path, to your left, there are others screaming at your ears, at the back you have people jostling to the front and at the front, you just cant see where you are going. Its crazy! After fighting through the crowd, 香山 just lost its appeal. I was no longer there for the view but struggling to just get out of the hills in one piece.
Well, despite the mass of people swarming the hills, I still managed to catch some pretty shots!
The rich colours of autumn

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