Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My short getaway

So we heard the best months to visit Mongolia is July/ August. When we were there, the grass was already yellow and crisp. Of course this is a different kind of beauty, but it would have been better if we were able to catch the plains in its full glory. Already, we are thinking whether we should plan another trip next July, coz on our way back on the train, we met this very friendly mongolian family who invited us to visit next year! But we shall see how things go.

The train ride to Mongolia wasnt as bad as i thought it would be! Although it wasnt the most comfortable ride that i have taken, i was so tired that once i was on board, i hit the bed immediately. It was a 10 hour ride and by the time we reached 呼和浩特 (one of the mongolian cities) it was 730am! We wasted no time, coz soon we were on the road driving towards 希拉 穆仁大草原. It is not the nicest grass plains but according to our tour guide, it is one of the better ones already with very little mosquitoes around.

On the train, we met some really nice china peeps (Beijingers and tian jingers). We later discovered that we were in the same tour group! Throughout our trip, they were on the constant look out for us, and helped us in any possible way they could! Such love. Haha.

Find Wally!

Inside the station, its a crazy crowd. People climbing all over just to get to the front of the queue. What's the point when the seats are all pre-assigned?

My Bunk
The Cabin
Next up, Green plains and blue skies. Check Back!

1 comment:

Melissa Yip said...

Maddy your face very funny leh! hahaha... looks like I am the only active one contributing to comments here.