Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The end

This is about the grossest thing i have eaten in my life. Fear factor challenge brought to mongolia. Dried blood stuffed into some animal's intestine. Its not me to eat stuff like that, but coz we were sitting at the same table with this very friendly family of 3, i thought i should be courteous in showing appreciation for the food the dad ordered. I hate to say this, but blood with intestine izznt that bad actually! oh help, i think my palate is changing!

Dried blood in intestine

Nice family's daughter. I think she is only 6 but she eats more than me!
My last meal at 莜面大王
And this is the last of my posts about my mongolia trip. I gained a lot on this trip and forged many new ties with people i least expected to make friends with. Its definitely a place to visit at least once in your life. But pls be mentally prepared for a rough ride, coz its not your typical luxurious holiday getaway!

For my mother: the cute lad from the grassland i met on my trip. Wish i could bring him home. He sings and speaks english with good pronunciation!

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