Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dong Fang Hospital

Before Mongolia, there is school to talk about. Haha, its going to be boring, but bear with me coz i need to blog about every step that I take during my journey here in china!

Lessons have started for almost a month, and i have not post a single entry about the hospital i go to! My lessons are held in the hospital (where i am to do my internship at next year) and not in the school campus. I go to school every. single. day. from 8-5. Well, there is a 2 hours break in between, so it izznt that bad actually. For those who are familiar, I have to study about blood cells, lymphocytes, x-ray, ECG and more, all in CHINESE. Trying very hard to stay afloat here.

Although i stay 20 minutes away from the hospital, we leave the house almost an hour earlier everyday. It is always a mad rush trying to get the best seats in class, and i hate myself for doing it. I am becoming one of those KS singaporeans that i hate so much. But anywhere behind the 5th row is sleep inducing! It is impossible to concentrate when the content of the lesson is so dry and out of the teacher's radar, that makes it even easier to doze off. Hm, but then again, not like any of us care that the teachers see us sleeping during their lesson (yes, xq this is directed at u).

This is it, Dong Fang Yi Yuan from the outside.
The lobby of the academic building. Newly built (for us?) with the smell of new wood still fresh in the air.
Third floor, where our classroom is.
My roomie and my partner.
X-ray lesson
This is what happens when u are way behind.
My mess
Our welcome board.

The very dingy canteen which i stepped in only twice.

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