Friday, October 31, 2008

Day of Artsy Fartsy

By a strange turn of events, we ended up spending a day in the Beijing Art Museum. It all started with me wanting to check out the 798 art district. So when we looked up the map, i thought the art street near wang fu jing was the same as the 798 art district. When we got there, the so called art street was more like many Art Friends thrown together in a short little street facing the art museum. Very disappointing. Sigh, but since we were already there, we had to make full use of our time (you got to understand that our Saturdays are very precious). We popped into the art museum hoping to get some inspiration.

I wish i was a little more artsy fartsy to be able to appreciate the paintings better, the strokes, colour, intensity and what nots. But i think there is a reason why i am studying chinese medicine and not ADM (art, design, media).

From the several art museums i am lucky enough to have visited in my lifetime, I came up with my own theory about the differing styles between the european or western paintings and that from the chinese paintings. Somehow, the chinese use strokes which come across as more demure, or gentle you may call. On the other hand, you have the western paintings which appear (at least from my point of view) to be bolder and harsher. Ok you know what, I am not the expert, so ignore me!

Art Friend

Chinese Paintings
I have seen many versions of "The Fruits". You have Monet doing his interpretation, Renoir with his but when it comes to the chinese, they add little details which distinctively separates them from their western counterparts. Take for example the painting below. Just a simple addition of a chinese letter below the grapes, have the whole painting screaming out a chinese vibe. But thats what i like about art! Its the little details!

The painting below is easily my favourite art of the day. Its one scene separated into three canvases. I like it how the painter played with the colours and as a result it played with my mind. The red one seemed to be a time of unrest, while the middle painting portrays a time of gloom and depression, and the far right a time of carefree days ahead. Its incredible how these different emotions can be brought out just by varying the colour of the overall picture! Sigh, i was lost in this one for a long long time.

Ok i think thats enough art talk for the day!

1 comment:

Tai Tai said...

You leave me amazed! Like an art commentator or critic. It's a pity you aren't doing an art course or art appreciation. Sounds like a little expert in seeing details and appreciating art pieces. Hope you've become more refined and 'cultured' in the process.