Thursday, September 4, 2008


My first Sunday in beijing, me and beiyi were thinking of checking out the churches there. We googled online and found the "chong wen men" church. It seems when clinton was here, he visited that church too. So, it cant be that bad right. Oh man, anything that can go wrong, went wrong. Very very wrong.

"Chong wen men" church is a church which is opened to the local people. Naturally, the service was in chinese. Ya, me and beiyi hardly understood a thing. And we felt very uncomfortable in that church. For starters, the sermon was very controlled and lack a certain oomph that is oh so common in cornerstone (missing their service now). I dont even think i can go on about the people sitting around us. *shudder shudder. The smell of leek that floats from behind and the scratchy sound of nails rubbing against each other kept me awake throughout the whole sermon. *shudder shudder.

Definitely not the church that clinton went to.

Overflowing crowd sitting at the courtyard


Anonymous said...

Looks like you are having tonnes of fun in Beijing. =0)

Glad that you are settling in well.

Fong Kuan

Tales and Spills said...

Haha, looks are deceiving!! Kind of depressed that school is starting this mon! :(