Sunday, September 21, 2008

Morning Ride

It is a lazy morning, and the walk to the subway station is simply too far for my weakening joints. As i stepped out of my apartment gate, there was an endless row of tuk tuks and trishaw riders awaiting, a temptation too much for me even to resist. I weighed the cost against that of a 20 minutes walk, and i figured S$1 plus is nothing. Like bees attracted to honey, i felt my legs carry myself forward, stopping infront of the trishaw rider at the corner. I tried to haggle for a cheaper ride, but the trishaw rider wouldnt budge. Living alone has made me learn a few important life lessons. Every cent saved is a cent saved. Since she wouldnt go any lower, and i was running late, i hopped onto the trishaw and was whisked away to the subway station.

S$1 plus is a cheap ride considering the distance cycled and my rider was really pedaling her ass off. With quick footworks and a few thrusts here and there, she got me to the station in under 10 minutes! I enjoyed that slow morning ride, with the occasional breeze ruffling through my already messy hairdo. As she took me through the road less traveled, I was reminded of Singapore in the 60's (ok i know that from pictures in my social studies tb). It felt like i was being transported back in time to the days when singapore was still a developing nation. I had a lot to ponder about on that ride.

As i got off at my stop, i tried to take a snap shot of my trishaw rider. But before I could ask her if she would oblige, there she rode off against the morning rays, in search for more business. Sigh, thats certainly not the last she is going to hear from me.

1 comment:

Tai Tai said...

Hope your stay in beijing is a valuable learning journey for you.